Developing a brand identity for a shawl brand aimed at females spanning from the young to the older generation. The goal is to create a timeless and contemporary design for the shawl's fabric and overall presentation, striking a balance between classic and modern aesthetics. The packaging should embody a fusion of functionality and a touch of luxury.

Shawls, embraced by individuals across diverse cultures, ages, and genders worldwide, have become a popular fashion accessory. Women frequently adorn them, elegantly draping them over their shoulders or enveloping their bodies, enhancing both style and warmth in their attire.

Cozy Brand specializes in crafting opulent shawls, featuring exquisite fabrics and versatile colors suitable for everyday wear. Measuring 60x180cm, these luxurious shawls are meticulously fashioned from 100% cashmere, presenting a refined variant spun from the finest cashmere wools.

The color palette is thoughtfully curated to create a seamless fusion of classic modern design on the exterior, while the interior exudes a charming, adorable, and colorful aesthetic. The pastel hues mirror the delightful colors of the shawls, enhancing the overall appeal.
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